Sample Paintings

A World of Color

Welcome to our art website. The paintings inside are originals by Barrie Leigh, created in pastels or acrylics. Both of these mediums are known for their ability to shine with lively color. We hope you enjoy your visit with us.

We all enjoy images, color and texture in our lives. The paintings you live with become a collection of love: a personal gallery of your own, that you collect on your path through life.

Will you enjoy this website's art? Will these paintings stir your imagination? We certainly hope so. But the only way you're going to find out is to click onwards and enter our gallery.  
Birds, animals and insects are all examples of creatures found in nature. Here, food and drink are also considered part of nature. 
The great outdoors can range from snow-covered Alaskan mountains, to a shady shallow stream that runs by your home. All these scenes are landscapes.
Hover over each button for
Is it a bush or a tree? A flower, or a grass? What springs from the ground provides us with an infinite variety of textures and colors. 
For fifty years, this fine-arts member-organization of Harford County, Maryland has worked to build professional artistic skills and talent in our county.

Barrie is proud to be a member of HAA. This photo of HAA's town-center location is used in this website with their kind permission.
Visit ​Harford Artists' Association's
Hover over this photo for directions